New Zealand Institute of Driver Educators



NZIDE Member’s Tools

This page features Tools that are relevant to Driver Educators in common file formats like Acrobat Reader (pdf) and Word Document etc. To read pdf files you will need the latest Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from here.

Access to the N.Z.T.A. PORTAL for Driving Instructor Resources Click here

The login credentials are: User name: DTT Password: NZTADTT


To save files to your computer right click on the download/read link and choose “Save target as”.

TitleDate SubmittedDescriptionAction
Restricted Licence Skills Training Record Sheet.29-01-2015
Student lesson record sheet to keep a record of your students progressDownload
-Driver-Licence-Exemptions-Recognition-of-Driving-Experience01-12-2015This NZTA Tool can be used for the following purpose and will apply to all the following persons in New Zealand who have held a full class 1 New Zealand driver licence for less than 2 years and wish to either:
1. Make application for a Passenger (P), Vehicle recovery (V), Driving Instructor (I) or Testing Officer (O) Endorsement; or to
2. Act as a supervisor for Learner / Restricted drivers.
Restricted Licence Test Assessment
14-10-2019Practical Restricted Test record sheet to assess students and give feed back.Download
Full Licence Test Assessment Sheet
14-10-2019Practical Full Test record sheet to assess students and give feed back.Download
Practical Assessment sheet (OSH)31-08-2015On road assessment Sheet for in vehicle Health and Safety
Document to help Market your OSH services to businesses.21-04-2015
An example of a document you can send to business to explain the process of your OSH assessment systemAdvanced Driving
Advanced driving completion Certificate. 08-05-2019This certificate can be used as a template of recognition of completion of the on road advanced assessmentRead
OSH completion
08-05-2019This certificate can be used as a template of recognition of completion of the OHS assessmentRead